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5 Cybersecurity Trends and Threats to Watch Out for in 2019

Posted on March 18, 2019
5 Cybersecurity Trends and Threats to Watch Out for in 2019

When will the number of cyber attacks start to go down? At this point we can’t tell, because in 2019 it will definitely grow.

With devices and connections spreading among users, criminals will have new means to exploit personal and commercial information. They will also continue to improve their arsenal of tactics and tricks. And of course businesses will remain busy trying to stop them.

In this article, let’s take a closer look at the most important cybersecurity trends and threats that are bound to grab attention in 2019.

1. Third-Party and Supply Chain Are Hackers’ Sidewalks

One glaring cybersecurity-related fact is that most enterprises can’t do it all by themselves. Today’s business environment is a lot about third-party outsourcing and supply chain management.

In 2019, cybercriminals will continue exploiting blind spots from the outside, for instance, by implanting malware in the software products of unsuspecting vendors or altering codes within digital tools to redirect important data towards malicious entities. As a result, it will be inevitable for firms to avoid cybersecurity matters outside of their direct control.

Consequently, companies will keep on reinforcing security measures like splitting data access (according to users, tasks, etc.) and preventing data breaches due to third-party negligence.

2. Insider Threats Are Where Businesses Should Get Tougher

Companies learn the hard way that efficient security approaches are often as much about refining the basics as they are about purchasing high-end products — since the most common procedures and human practices can compromise cybersecurity big time.

Vulnerabilities mainly result from poor behaviors that companies let pass. E.g., an employee accidentally clicking on a phishing link in an email, working out of office in places where devices could be stolen, sending unencrypted emails for unwelcome parties to check, etc., are just some of the mistakes that hackers take advantage of.

So though CSOs know that employees need to be continuously reminded about good cybersecurity habits, companies will have to walk the talk even more than years go. Paying attention to what the staff is doing, security awareness programs, dedicating roles to insider threat management within organizations, and other practices – all of these must be present in 2019.

Security 2019

3. Phishing Is Increasingly Targeted

Cyber perpetrators can get creepy, and targeted phishing illustrates this best. Unfortunately, in 2019, this category of crime will continue to become further targeted.

Here, hackers will be interested in people and their relationships, but certainly not because they’re friendly. They will infiltrate into systems with specific goals, including seeking details about victims to gain trust and conduct more precise phishing campaigns.

Many will fall for emails mentioning their friend’s name, location, and other confidential personal details, while others will click on seemingly credible links and give out passwords and credit card numbers. This certainly sounds scary, and in order to stay safe in 2019, companies will need to deploy precautionary measures such as comprehensive identity verification to counter these shady social engineering tactics.

4. IoT Is a Weak Spot

Users are widely adopting IoT devices. Yet, at the same time, they are vulnerable entry points. For example, hackers can launch DDoS attacks, infiltrating and exploiting computers and generating massive “fake” traffic that overloads websites. And these threats can escalate if companies are not careful, affecting critical assets like buildings and cars, or even weaponizing IoT systems.

So as the year comes, IoT-driven breaches will increase and manufacturers must prioritize the detection and prevention of surrounding attacks. Meanwhile, as business opportunities are becoming more mobile, firms in 2019 need to find new or improved ways to track devices going into and out of their systems.

5. Zero-Trust Model Is On The Rise

Reactive cybersecurity techniques can leave businesses at risk. Perhaps it’s time for a shift in perspective. Instead of passively guarding companies’ systems against the world, zero trust, a model that will continue to gain in popularity in 2019, can be applied.

Zero trust puts the spotlight on human actors, networks and other discernible parameters so that no one is an exception to security teams’ scrutiny. The approach cuts across typical organizational structures, abiding by the principle that there are no trustworthy entities, either inside or outside defined security perimeters. It thus considers every individual or separate system and assign them risk scores and corresponding security protocols.

How to Get Ready for 2019

So how can companies respond to these cybersecurity trends? Well, here are five viable ways.

1. Think threat intelligence

Threat intelligence can help investigate the threats lurking both inside and outside the organization and check vulnerabilities within perimeters and their connection to third parties, notably by reviewing domain infrastructure, encryption practices, malware level, and WHOIS records.

2. Practice threat hunting

Threat hunting can support companies to be proactive and detect dangerous entities before they strike. As part of threat hunting efforts, you might, for example, want to monitor newly registered domains as criminals often use these to launch phishing attacks.

3. Keep track of domain reputation

To implement zero trust and decrease the probability of insider mistakes, organizations can start small by reviewing domain reputation closely. There are automated tools that can look over multiple parameters through intelligence feeds and calculate a reputation score which can help employees to quickly evaluate a website’s danger level.

4. Secure all IT assets

Devices and gadgets are now all over the place, and companies need to maintain control with relevant practices like strong passwords and two-factor authentication as well as keeping software updated and IT assets protected to avoid data leakage and breaches.

5. Utilize WHOIS information

A WHOIS database is a database that keeps track of existing domain names as well as of domains’ owner details and history. Examining such data can boost threat detection efforts that require the verification of unknown entities.

Many companies realize that staying on top of cybersecurity trends is a priority. Traditional blocking tools are no longer enough as threats are evolving — and 2019 will be no exception.

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