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4 Essential Threat Intelligence Tools to Keep Your Servers Safe

Posted on October 15, 2018

Owning a business in the 21st century means maintaining an effective and useful web site for potential clients to find and engage with your business. Unfortunately, a web presence follows a risk of cyber-attacks so it’s essential that your business be properly protected. Whether you’re a large corporation with a sizable cyber security unit, or you’re a small business and your own cyber security team, getting the right threat intelligence tools is vital. Taking advantage of these tools can make a difference between another successful day of operations and a major compromising incident which costs you both time and money.

Research aids can keep your company away from cyber-attack reach

1. Research Aids

The first step in keeping your company safe and secure is ensuring that you always know what risks you are facing. Utilizing a research network not only allows you to find solutions to problems which pop up based on prior success for others, but also helps to track developing trends which may indicate the next wave in cyber-attacks. Staying one step ahead of attackers is an important part of threat intelligence.

2. Network Traffic Monitoring

Knowing what to look for doesn’t do you any good if you’re not creating some way to monitor what is going on and apply that knowledge. With a log of all the connections made to your network, it is possible to spot outside entities attempting to access your server in ways they should not. You can also use your logs to search for other potential problems you are on the lookout for from your research assistance.

3. Malware Databases

The cyber security field is one built on collaboration. Problems you discover and find solutions to will be helpful to others in the future, and problems you’re having now may have already been fixed by those who’ve dealt with it previously. Threat intelligence tools like a malware search engine allows you to directly seek out information about the threat you are facing in order to begin working toward a solution more efficiently.

Threat Intelligence APIs to help you protect company data

4. Threat Intelligence APIs

The most effective way to protect your company’s web site is to be utilizing security APIs to protect your network. Installing a trusted and reliable set of threat intelligence APIs on your network’s systems makes it easier to get the information you need to identify threats as they occur, and avoid potential problems. Many of the best threat intelligence API providers offer services which include analyzing the security certificates of sites and finding any malware present. These services can help to prevent computers on your network from accessing other infected networks, which lowers the risk of issues for your network as it reduces the likelihood of malware being transferred.

The Need of Implementing Cyber Threat Intelligence

Don’t let you and your company become the victims of cyber-attacks. There is no feeling more helpless than falling prey to cyber threats and not knowing what to do to fix it. Just because you’ve never dealt with an attack doesn’t mean you never will, so look into the best threat intelligence tools for your company today before it’s too late.

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